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all I can say is that I would pitty him and every one else if it was worse, he is in good health and wishes to be remembered to both of you. I see by the Katanning rag that some of the people around are getting good prices for their wool, I hope that I get a decent price for mine. Mr. Finlay wishes to be remembered to both of you. How did Alie like being over their this time, does she still know my photo.
Jim Jones had a rough time of it for a start also Sid Treasure but they had the good luck to get through safe. I have recieved a good few chronicles with the Katanning papers in them. How is Eric Ashe getting along. I have not heard from Birts Wife for quite a while now. So Captain did not buy Incheys after all. I was pleased to hear that you had a good man at last, they must be very scarce home their now. We are hoping to get another mail any time now.
My word we have came through some very mountanious country coming up here and it is worse a head of us I believe, in fact you can see them in front of us and they look high and very rugged. The Taubes come over us every day but he has not dropped any bombs since we have been here yet.
Jim Ladyman has not came back yet since he got knocked at Beersheba on 31st Oct but he is quite well I believe. Get Nell to show you the vasses that I sent her. I saw in one of the Katanning papers where Jack Hain was seriously ill. Bob Tree was wounded just lately but not serious. I have not seen Elworthy just lately, he has gone away on leave to Cairo.
My spell in Port Said done