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S.S. Morea
March 6th 1917
Dear Mother
Just a few lines to let you know that I am quite well and I hope that you are all the same. We have had a good trip so far, no rough weather at all. I was sea sick for two or three days, but am all right now but all the same I do not like the water much.
My word the food on this boat is real good, it could not be bettered much. The only thing every time I have to go below it up sets me, so I only go down for my meals, I have only sleept below one night and that was quite enough for me, we sleep on deck as much as possible.
Well Mother I can tell you I was dissappointed when I got your wire and you was not comming down. When Ieft Kojonup I did think that I would see you before I sailed. I would have taken Nell home if I had had time, if I had known one day sooner I would have gone down home. Send those land papers of mine straight to the land department I whent to a lawyer and got my will fixed up and sent it to the National Bank Kojonup, you keep that old will of mine leaving ever thing to Uncle Johnny in case anything should happen to Nell and Baby, then he will get everything.
Well Mother the hardest job of all is the parting from home I can tell you I have no wish to ever have to say Good Bye again. My word Nell was heart broken, poor little Baby was saying Tat Ta as pleased as could be. I do hope that they will