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Thurs. May 20 – (Contd.) postponed till 8 p.m. Turks to fire first shot. Through misunderstanding an out-burst of fire started about 7 – every man "stood too". Artillery duel roared late into the darkness – mostly our guns firing – Turks guns fairly quiet to-day – must be moving. We used trench mortars for 1st time, rotten night, but did not fire as much as last night – Turks kept up heavy fire all night evidently thought we were attacking – "Mother Kirby" only fired 2 shots – reported 2 days ago she was blown up from its position in front of a Hospital. There are 2 eight inches – Turks still sapping towards us. Losses of Turks estimated at 2000 killed & 5000 wounded Wed. morn.

Frid. May 21 – Being relieved at 1 p.m. for 6 hrs. Snipers still at work in gully, caught Taffy James in leg to-day, quiet day fair night all "standing by". Mrs. Kirby put a few shots in to us at sundown.

Sat. 22 – Still in trenches – fairly quiet – new clothing issued to some a day or so ago, some wear their breeches inside out on a/c of lice, fairly quiet night – our trench mortars do good work.

Sun. 23 – Relieved by Light Horse at 8 a.m. dug in on side of hill near beach, quiet day & night little firing. Mail in.

May 24 – Armistice commenced at 7 a.m., finish 4 p.m. burying dead & collecting rifles &c half each side. Had a swim first good wash since May 1st. German aeroplane flew over & dropped a bomb near our position, rained.

Tues. 25 – Rain. Fairly quiet – Scrubbing – Fresh steak & bacon for dinner. Queensland Light Horse on other side of gully from us – Reg Donkin with Jim Row & I – witnessed the sinking of H.M.S. Triumph (Battle Cruiser) to-day only a few hundred yards away – sunk by submarine.

26 – Fatigue – carrying barb wire up to Brigade Hd. Qtrs. 2500 re-inforcements arrive & details. The "Triump" 17 times in action, fired 2000 rds. & was hit 14 times. Funnell riddled with shell, one which penetrated the turret where there were 15 men, only one was killed. Another entered the commanders cabin. Our aeroplane flew over & dropped 2 bombs on Turkish trenches. Improved our dug-out.

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