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[Page 88]

But not realising that he had been in the Mil. so long now & might be going any time, it came and at caught me unawares. It will be very bad luck indeed if I cant get to so important a family function, especially with Alan away too. How much Alan would like to be here! But with me Australia at present it will make it doubly hard luck to be prevented from attending. The school is supposed to finish on the 18th, but there is undoubtedly a chance of it continuing on. I will make every effort & let you know in good time. If I am unable to be there I would be glad if you would personally tell Hazel that I wish her all the good luck such a fine little girl could have bestowed upon her by the gods, & that Olly may return safely. To Olly also give him my very best wishes for all luck & happiness. We are still going for our lives here. Write concerning arrangements Loving Dene

P.S. over

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