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he was ill in bed. I told him by wire about poor old Alan but I have not had a reply yet. Olly will be awfully upset. I would like very much to see him this weekend, and will certainly try. Tommy's address; Cpl. R. Thompson. H.Q. A.I.F., Bhurtpore Barracks, Tidworth Hants. England. The one you gave me is an old one. He is near Olly & I want to see him this weekend. I have been made a full Sergeant again, one of the boys, a very nice chap too, but not a particularly brilliant soldier, having been reduced to Corporal. I had a letter from Fatty Penfold from France, very jovial as usual. In London I saw Goog Tyson who is now a Captain in the 3rd Btn. He is easily 6' 3" high and looks very well tho' wounded. His last of Cairns Niven & Noel was all O.K. I do hope so.

You will be surprised that most of the boys voted No to the Conscription question. Some do not thoroughly understand the copious exemptions and as they leave brothers to support their families they don't feel inclined to have them sent over. Others say they will not fight beside conscripts, same again, say they don't see why others should

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