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[Page 36]

this terrible vibration is quite out of the question.

Well, Ma, I've a long letter to Dorothy giving full details for the trip as far as Egypt. As for the last few weeks I've not been able to bring it up to date I will post it. As the chance offers I will continue on as I intend that account to be my diary.

Well, we landed at Devonport after passing through Portsmouth. The people gave us a great welcome. You know we are the blaseest crowd of men that ever walked. Every where we go we get cheers

and handshakes and oh such boska smiles from the girls! Then when we get ashore the people all nudge each other and wisper "Australians", just as if we weren't English! But at any rate we get on well enough with them, the old slouch-hat does the trick.

We had real hard work disembarking. First we saw the 350 wounded English men off. This took till 8 P.M. Then the nurses trained for London and we did the porter and wharf labouring with their trunks. They had about 9 each. At 11.40 we whizzed off in the train for Southampton. Sleep was

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