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Seeds. when moderately dried in the shade, should be enclosed in Cakes of Bees wax, or Myrtle wax, into which they should be put (as plumbs in a pudding) when the wax is just hot, to be kneaded about in the fingers, but by no means in a fluid state: these Cakes, of which there should be one for every species of seed, should be carefully numbered, & catalogued; & as the different plants they contain will require different soils, & different methods of Culture; a short note should be added opposite each number, describing the method of Culture, or nature of the
Soil in which the plant from whence they were taken, is generaly found.
These Cakes, if kept in a Cool place, or at least one as little as possible liable to the vicissitudes of heat & cold, will often preserve their seeds in a state of vegetation, for two, or even three years.

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