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[Page 6]

be miserable, as there are few here that​ who I can converse with; except upon subjects, not at all adapted to my ideas, which will be explained in my next Letter.

Ensign Piper and Mr Mountgarrett have been very useful to me, they are always ready and willing and Mr Riley has been very attentive.  After I have examined the Country opposite, and find a situation likely to answer for his Farm I shall inform you of it in my next Letter.

I must apologize for this heasty written Letter, but as I am anxious to have the Francis Despatched if possible tonight, I have not time to make out a fair copy.

I hope Mrs King & Elizabeth are both in good health.  I beg my kindest regards to them, and I shall be happy to hear that the symptoms of the Gout you complained of at my departure from Sydney vanished and proved to be no more than a temporary cold.

I have enclosed a memorandum of what is sent in the Francis. She is Victualed for 

Current Status: 