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will be sent by the Lady Nelson; with Specimens and seeds &c which I collected on my Journey up the River. I have also mentioned of my requesting you to get a Copy of the Chart made and to send it when an opportunity served.
The Pot-herbs which I brought with me, are all dead except the Balm, if you will send me same in secure box's I will return plants of this Country; which may be worth sending to England.
With respect to our live stock I must refer you to the Returns which will be sent by the Lady Nelson, all I shall observe at present, they are thriving very well & from what I have noticed it is probable my first ideas respecting the rearing of swine may prove erroneous, but there is no doubt of every other description; such as Horses & Horned Cattle doing well. The two Calves are alive and the draught Bullocks quite fat; one of them appears to be untameable which renders the other almost useless.
In the Returns which you will receive