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and Stream Anchor to come home, left off. We now re-commenced throwing Fire-Wood overboard out of the After Hold, and loading the Integrity with the Stores of the Settlement, which were set up and landed on Green Island.
The 8:th at 1 P.M., Wind at North West blowing fresh, got a Spring from the Starboard Quarter on the Best Bower Cable, to keep the Stern from going more in upon the Shoal as the Tide floor'd. At 5 when we began to heave upon the Purchase we had the mortification to find the Anchor every now and then jump'd home, notwithstanding this misfortune, and although the Ships Stern was in five feet less Water than she drew, we continued to heave a strain, and at last had the satisfaction to find the Ship slide off into seven fathoms - a further proof the bottom, here about, is a smooth sloping Rock. Thirty Yards astern of us there were only two fathoms. By the time we had sway'd up the Foretopmast and hove up the Small Bower, Anchor it was quite dark; it was therefore thought most advisable to let the Ship remain between her Sheet and Best Bower Anchors till the Morning. At 6 A.M. being moderate, hove up the Sheet and Stream Anchors. At 7 slipt the Best Bower Cable and made sail up the Harbour for Outer Cove. At Noon little Wind; Anchord in the Mouth of the Cove; warped the Ship in, and Moored with half a Cable each way. As soon as the Ship was secure a gang of Hands were sent to Low Head to erect a Flagstaff as a guide to the Lady Nelson and Francis. The Lieutenant Governor having fixed upon, for the present, the North Side of Outer Cove for forming an Encampment, we were employ'd until the 10:th in landing the Stores and Provisions. On the Morning of the 11:th the Ceremony of taking Possession was performed by Hoisting His Majesty's Colours, by the