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Weather, to run into Outer Cove; we therefore got down T.G. Yards, struck T.G. Masts, and bent the Sheet Cable. At 9 A.M., in a heavy Squall, the Sailors' last hope fail'd, the Anchors came home - were brought right ahead - and almost instantly the Ship drove onshore on the Eastern Shoals: this was a circumstance I little expected. The Tide of Ebb now made, and finding it impossible to get the Ship off, while it continued to blow so hard right onshore, got T.G. Masts on Deck, lowerd down the Yards, and struck the Topmasts close down - shifted every thing, that could be come at, over to the larboard side to give a hul inshore. In the Afternoon landed part of the Stock.
On the 5:th at 10 A.M. the Integrity came in from Tanners Bay, where she had been ten days, and brought up with both her Anchors abreast of us in the Stream. The Water was quite smooth during the day, and succeeding Night, so that the Ship did not strike in the smallest degree.
At 10 A.M. the 6:th the Integrity came under our Bows and took in our Sheet and Stream Anchors, which she laid out to the Westward, a whole Cable on the Sheet Anchor, backed by the Stream Anchor with forty fathoms of Cable to it. As soon as the Sheet Cable was hove tight, brought a purchase on the Best and Small Bowers, but finding, as soon as we began to heave, both Anchors came home, as if they had been two Scrapers, left off. We have those two Anchors up a Hill from fifteen fathoms into seven, which makes me conclude the bottom to be a smooth sloping Rock. It now became necessary to lighten, as the Ship did not float abaft, at high Water, within five feet. On the Morning of the 7:th we were employ'd, though blowing in heavy Squalls from the West North West, landing the remainder of the Stock, a quantity of the empty Casks out of the way, and in throwing overboard Fire-Wood out of the After-Hold. At high Water being moderate brought to and hove upon the purchase, but finding both the Sheet