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a very heavy, breaking Sea, and Shoal Water, I discovered an Opening into which, I entered and Anchored at 3 OClock, which I since find to be a Bay on Timor opposite to Pulo Tamow in the South Entrance, the Island Rotty being in sight to the SWBS. --  [Pulau Rote Island]

Saw some Malays on the Shore sent two Men after them, and they brought several men to me, One of them agreed to be my Pilot and I agreed to give Ten half Ducatoons to conduct me to the Governor. -- 

This being settled we rowed along shore conducted by him; and on the Morning at Dawn of day, I Anchored off Coupang [Kupang], and waited for leave to come on shore, At Sun rise I was desired by a Soldier to come on shore, and I was conducted to a Gentlemans House (Capt. Spykerman) who upon my Application Ordered Breakfast and Victuals for all hands. -- The Governor from severe indisposition not being able to see me just at that time. -- The Surgeon a Mr Max gave us every kind assistance in helping our sores, and all who saw us were ready to contribute to the comfort of such poor distress'd creatures, One half of whom could not have Survived a Week longer, and some perhaps not a few days. --

The Governor with much goodness became anxious about us and altho his illness was very Severe, I had it in 

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