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can however Sir promise to you that my honor and character is without a blemish, and I shall appear as soon as I possibly can before the Admiralty that my conduct may enquired into, and where I shall convince the world I stand as an officer despising mercy and forgiveness if my conduct is at all blameable.
Had I been accidentally appointed to the command, the loss of the ship would give me no material concern, but when I reflect that it was through you Sir who undertook to assert I was fully capable, and the eyes of everyone regarding the prossess of the voyage, and perhaps more with envy, than with delight, I cannot say but if [it] affects me considerably. To those however who may be disposed to blame let them see I had in fact completed my undertaking. What man's situation could be so peculiarly flattering as mine 12 hours before the loss of the ship. Every thing was in the most perfect order and we were well stored with every necessary both for service and health - by early attention to those particulars I acted against the power of chance in case I could not get through Endeavour Streights, as well as against any accident that might befall me in them and to add to this, I had most successfully got my plants in a most flourishing and fine order, so that upon the whole the voyage was 3/4 over, and the