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only complaints -- At Night part of us slept on shore. --
30th May -- I now determined as the People were a little refreshed, to proceed on, I therefore by Noon got our small Water Casks filled, and having found some Fern Root, that I thought wholesome and very conducive to prevent thirst, I ordered a parcel into the Boat. -- Birds could have easily have been got here If I had Arms, on that account every one we saw recalled to us our miserable situation, but providence has been graciously kind to us, for we frequently caught by hand Sea Fowls, which made great additions to our Dinners of Bread. -- The freqeunt supply of Water was also a great Blessing but I had not Vessels to contain a Sufficient allowance, it therefore happen'd that nearly half a pint of Water was what each person received in the course of the day. Issued at 8 in the morning, at Noon, and Sunset, with 1/24 of a pound of Bread at Breakfast, and the same at Dinner. --
I found the Latitude of this place 12º:39' So 144º:44' E the main appeared with a Variety of high and low land interspersed with Wood, and the more interior parts mountainous. --
31st -- At 4 in the afternoon after having performed Divine Service I sailed. Saw Twenty Natives Armed with Spears, come down on the shore opposite to us.