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Michl. Byrn. Seaman (20 Alexr. Smith. Seaman
Heny. Hilbrant. Do. Willm. Muspratt. Do.
Isaac Martin. Do. Willm. Brown. Botanist Assist
  25 Total Remaining in the Ship

To return now to my proceedings in the Boat. I steered to the NSW as I formerly had heard from the Friendly Island people that Land lay in that Quarter. --

The Weather very boisterous and obliged to keep right before the Sea which at times run into us and nearly filled the Boat, and were obliged to throw all spare Cloaths overboard, and every Article we could possibly do without.

On the 4th May Latitude 18º:58' So​ Longd. 182º:16' Et​ I discover'd Land, an Island. WSW 4 or 5 Leagues. --

On the 6th Discovered Ten other Islands, and that day at Noon was in Latd 17º:53' So & Longd 179º:43​' East. -- Many Shoals. --

On the 7th discovered other Islands, At Noon Latitude 16º:33' S​o​ & 78º:34'  Et​ were chased by Two large Cannoes but got clear of them by Rowing. -- At Night torrents of Rain with Thunder & Lightning, Caught 6 Gallons Water. --

On the 9th Fair Wr. kept steering to the WSW and West. -- 

On the 10th, every heavy Rains, Hard Gales and a high Sea until the 14th. Suffered much Cold in the Nights being constantly Wet.

On the 14th discovered Land. Five Islands and were 

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