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Parramatta, Decmber 16, 1804.
I have the honor to transmit to your Excellency the drawing of a Ram which I bred in the Colony together with his Fleece, and the Fleeces of a young Ewe and Ram. The Ram weighed One hundred and sixty four pounds before he was shorn, he is the produce of a Spanish Ram imported, and a coarse wooled Ewe, his Fleece I have marked Nº 1. The Fleece marked Nº 2 is the Fleece of a Ram one Year old bred from Number one, and a coarse wooled Ewe. The Fleece marked Nº 3 is the produce of a Ram of the Spanish Breed rear'd in the Colony and a coarse wooled Ewe. I have to request the favour that the Drawing and the Fleeces may be transmitted to England and through the medium of your Excellency submitted to the inspection of the Board of Agriculture. The drawing and weight of the Sheep and their Fleeces may give those Gentlemen who are Judges some Idea what progress has been made in the Improvement of Sheep. Your Excellency will be aware that our opportunities of improving our Flocks have been very few, the greater part of our original Stock being of the small hairy Breed from India. The Remote Distance we are situated from other Countries, from whence we might import Rams, which would shortly improve one Flocks, is so great that we can have little prospect of procuring any, and on that Account must depend upon our own Judgment in selecting our breeding Stock; hence our Improvements cannot be so
His Excellency
Governor King
&c, &c &c.