
-words taken from one of the natives of (?)
- ()- yes
- (yummet gantu)- hungry
- (pente gantu)- very full
- (gan gantu) - cold
- (muni gantu)- warm
- ()- bad
- ()- very good
- (boha)- the head (?)
- () - the uncle
- ()- 
- ()- the heron (?)
- ()-
- () - a house
- ()- a black fellow
- ()- fine, good looking
- ()- beautiful
- ()-
- ()- 
- ()- well done
- ()- cold
- ()- a god
- ()- brave
- ()- 
- (walla)- you
- ()- a fish
- ()
- ()- this morning
- ()- tomorrow morn
- ()- little
- ()- a child
- ()- a wife

Current Status: 
Ready for review