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October 1918
Fine day. Stunt opened 6 am fairly successful. Heavy opposition after rough night. seven wounded. 1
6 men left for Australia. about a dozen evacuated for gass. Pulled guns out after noon & left for Roisel.
camped near the town. Heavy casualties in Div. Arty. nearly all part blind. Quiet night.
Good send off to old boys, all 1914 now finished
Dull day. More men evacuated for gass making about 54 in two days. Fixing up camp. Cleaning wagons & harness.
Easy day. Rumour re moving out tomorrow morning for our long promised spell.
Rec. letters from May. Gillligan. Amy. Amy Mc & parcel fr C.B.D. & PCs Celie
Fine day. Packing up Moved off at 1.PM to Hem via Peronne. Big convoys of Yanks passing over 100 cars in each.
Australians entraining at Peronne. All Divisions on the move out. Good news from all fronts.
Fixed up camp. good 'possy'. Quiet night. Names of 1914 enlisted men went into [F?] A yesterday.