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November 1918
24 SUN
Heavy frost. Moved off Via Bohain. Maretz. Buzancy etc. to St. Souplet arr. in the dark travelling over 40. Kilos.
Civilians in most of the villages after Rancourt. Good billets. Town badly knocked about. Slight rain at night. Warm.
25 MON
Moved off light rain. Roads very heavy. Travelled via La Groise Catillon. Pisches to Carthignies. arr 1.P.M.
good billets. Inspection on road by C.R.A. Village almost intact. Plenty civilians.
Moved off 7.45. am. via Avenes. Felleries. Dimont to Dimechaux. small village. rough billets Civilians in residence.
Preparing for a few days rest. Rec. letter from Amy. Mc
27 WED
Dull day. moved to new billet. ·X · Posted letters to R.G.C. J.M.S. Julie. Else P. & Peggy 6. men went on leave.
Rec. letter from Celie. & paper May W