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Sept & Oct 1918
29 SUN
Fine day. frost. Reveille 4 am. Barrage opened 5.50 am. Yanks hopped over. very good but rather disorganised.
our boys straightened things out. pulled up to Bty. about 10.30 am. stood by till 2.30. 'Fritz' opened out on us.
returned to old gun position. Dave McLellan run over by tank & killed.
30 MON
Rain on & off. Guns pulled out in aft. Good news. Cambrai St Quentin taken. Heard Bulgaria had given in.
Quiet night. Cold. Rec. Letters from Reg C. Amy & Amy Mc
Fine day. Carting amm. to dump Rec. orders after dinner to pull into action. moved off under an hour.
Camped in rear of St Quentin Canal Bombed camp at night. Fairly quiet.
Fine day. Guns went up at 9. am. Carting amm. all day & night. 'Hun' counter attacked several times.
all in vain. Heavy guns active on both sides. Quiet night. Guns moved up to supports.
Rec. pay. 40 Francs inc to £1.10.8.