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November   1918

10 SUN  
Fine day out for  walk in aft. also at  night. Had a good time  called at Mme Marie's  
Great expectations of  peace tomorrow.   Evening after.

11 MON  
Fine day. Armistice  signed 11 am.  News through  1.40.P.M. Great excitement.  Town en fete.
Took Madeline to  Cinema. Had a bonne evening

12 TUES  
Fine day. Holiday to  celebrate peace. out in aft.   had a 'bonne time' also  at night.
Rec. letters from  Amy & Jack Sidlow. Posted letter  to Amy.

13 WED  
Fine day. Received  letters from Reg C. Gladys &  Else P. Bty manouvres.  Writing at night.

Current Status: 