Item 02: Letters from Christopher Kenneth Millar to Elizabeth Perdriau nee Millar, 24 October 1914-1916 - Page 66
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"Abduls Country" Gallipoli
My dearest Sister,
Two more letters & a card for my birthday to hand today from you, I dont think you have missed a mail to me yet. I think I told you that I got over 50 letters in one go from the Base since returning from Egypt. I tell you they took reading too anyway it will be satisfaction for you to know that your letters were not lost altogether as we thought.
Our holiday at Lemnos is over & we are all back at the big disturbance again. You were talking about at least writing about promotion for me, they made me a Lance Sergt sraight away on returning & now am full Sergeant & Platoon Sergeant & if I hang on & dont get knocked will get a commission before long. I stand very well with the old officers of the original Battalion, but our Coy Commander is a young reinforcement officer & is not much class as a CO & we old NCO's brawl a treat with him especially yours truly & the Sergeant Major another old hand. This officer was a counter jumper at Grace Bros & now by gum he swanks gives me a pain. Now dont get alarmed when I tell you but I am writing this in one of our field hospitals I have a slight touch of influenza & here we have stretchers to lay on & good food, the tucker in this "dugout" is 100% better than the food I ever received while away wounded in Egypt. I only came in this moming & for dinner had 2 bowls of lovely hot soup