Item 02: Letters from Christopher Kenneth Millar to Elizabeth Perdriau nee Millar, 24 October 1914-1916 - Page 131
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Somewhere in France 19th June 16
My dearest Sister,
Your letter written from the Mountains to hand. I am pleased to hear you have had a holiday it will do you & Beres the world of good.
I havn't received a letter from you stating you know I have a commission, it is well over three months since I came out & I should have had a letter from you in answer to mine written about that time, anyhow I suppose you know about it by this.
I think I told you I had a glorious time in London, I didnt go to see Mrs Pollock as a matter of fact I hardly left the West end of London theatres etc. & going gay every night, I tell you dear it was great after being so long away from English speaking people, at one time there were seven officers together there, from the 2nd Bn. & all the eight days four of us all old pals stuck together we had a grand time, I had photos taken which will reach you in due course, one in particular of four of us taken on