Item 02: Letters from Christopher Kenneth Millar to Elizabeth Perdriau nee Millar, 24 October 1914-1916 - Page 168
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Dear Mother
As the mail closes tomorrow I am dropping you the usual line to let you know I am doing well. I am up now, get about principally in a chair walk about a bit too. Am feeling very fit, had a lot easier time than last, didn't get a least bit septic in any wound, it was plain sailing all the time, & we get rattling attention, couldn't wish for better,
I will be out enjoying London in about a fortnight & then will go back to the poor old Battalion, it is a lot different than when you used to visit us at Kenso. It is heartbreaking to think of all the fine chaps who have died or been maimed out of the regiment, there are only a few left now to link one with the past. This last affair took a heavy toll of old hands & old officers & others including my pal Host, a fine chap Mother, white right through. Give my best wishes to Alick & Vera, I have the same aversion to writing as the former & Dave also. Will write them some of these days.
So long Mother, with fondest love
from Ken.