Item 02: Letters from Christopher Kenneth Millar to Elizabeth Perdriau nee Millar, 24 October 1914-1916 - Page 29
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where the bulk of the convalescents go. This is the last stage for wounded the ones fit for duty go to camp on the sand in Cairo & the unfit go to Australia or England, we have about 300 men here now to go back 250 went away yesterday to Australia, some are very crook cases:- arms off a few cases of blindness fingers off & bad legs.
I dont know what they are going to do to me yet they sent a lot back to Aust who were not as badly wounded as me for 6 months furlough, anyway I dont care as long as the leg gets OK I wouldnt like to be permanently lame. I am getting good massage treatment here which is doing me good.
Thank Ralph for me for his long letter, the songs & Bulletin havn't turned up yet, his advice about keeping your head down was driven into to me forcibly if I hadn't been on my feet I wouldn't have