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[Page 83]

at home.

So there you have the whole reason why I have not written. I am all right now (a trifling deaf on one side), & am continuing at office every day.

Oh! there's another excuse, Dene has been coming & going like a stormy petrel, or a bad penny. He was to have gone weeks ago, but he changed into other reinf (from 20th to 19th) to get away earlier, & fell in. The boat has been constantly delayed & postponed, once at least by a strike & now he is still in a state of uncertainty, but supposed to go this month. He has been popping in at unexpected moments, generally when we had finished a meal & were washing up, & his appetite had to be appeased & his bed made. Marion has been stopping here all the time.

Mr. B. is stationed at Melb. (having let his house at Roseville) but he has been over once or twice & he & "Phemy" – which being translated means Euphemia B – spent last Sunday night here.

Current Status: 