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quite exhilarating. The troops looked just splendid & marched beautifully. Uncle Jim was riding, of course, and the day before there had been a 19 mile march at Liverpool to get everyone fit & he was the only officer who walked; & he said he wanted to see how hard he was.

But our greatest news is, that Dene is to enlist this week. It seems all the boys are getting very unsettled & the Uni have promised him his position there when he returns. I am feeling a little disappointed as I think he should have gone through with his matric, and then gone – it would have been much better. But he thinks otherwise.

Dorothy still working at home. Hazel has been into hospital for her operation and seems to be picking up already. I do hope she will get fat & strong now. Ollie is looking worried – I don't think things are too comfortable some how. Ran has decided to leave the Uni, though he was doing well. I believe he is to try soldiering in some form.

Helen came down from Burnetts to

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