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with one of the black boys, on the "Lady Mackay". After a lot of fruitless blarneying, the nigger held up his fingers & ejaculated "I dunno!" which caused a great roar of laughter. Boxing tournament started tonight. All the mail was one letter for Capt. Richardson, brought by the tug about 9 P.M. I was disappointed as I expected to get mail which I had just missed at Albany.
Tuesday 17/11/14
Boxing this morning. Preparing to start once again at 11 A.M. Convoy divided - faster line of ships ("Euripedes" "Shropshire" Wiltsh "Argylshire" "Afric" "Benalla" "Omrah" " Hororata" " Star of Victoria" and "Militades" to follow at 6 P.M. They are at present inside breakwater
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