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[Page 13]

owing to Mr. Barton having to personally see to discrepencies in Pay. Splendid day. Rifle and Musketry exercises on Deck from about 2.30 to 4 also individual instruction in loading with charges.

Mrs. Burton back to tea, brings news that company will be em disembarked tomorrow. Major Gordon details me to stay on board with Guard of 1 Sgt. (Harvey), 3 Cpls. Gibb. Hillman, Bowling, 1 Bugler Watson and 24 men. Making arrangements in Smoking Room from 7 to 8.30 p.m. retired at 11 p.m.

October 1st Thursday

Rose @ 10 to 6, splendid day. Remainder of company left on "Mina" @ 11.50 a.m.

Current Status: 