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No 23 Wimple
Wimple Velamer a veil of some kind See Muffler Minshau
These may have been usd before masks or vizors
Muffler Seems to have been a veil like the Turkish Veil which covers the Chin & mouth & the forehead & nose Leaving the mouth only visible The women in England seem Sometimes to have worn the upper part Concealing the forehead Eyes & nose & at other time the Lower Concealing the Chin & mouth. mensheau See a Danish Funeral - where the Ladies are all in mufflers
See merry wives of Windsor where falstaff as it appears that the old woman of Brentford wore a muffler
Evans. Y Like not when a [wman] has a great peard, I Spy a great Peard under muffler act 4 . Sc. 2nd Mr Steevens in his note Refers to Braunii Curtales Terrarum Part 5 Pl q & Part 6 Pl . 2 also to the Corner of Speeds, map of England for Figures of women wearing mufflers
Chin Cloth? Randle Holm B. 3 p. 98.
See a Plate of muflers in Dawes observations in Shakespear
1575 his mother Lent him a new mufter for a Napkin Langham p 29
a wimple or mufler Rider
"at night She Stole awaie full privily,
with her Face iwimpled full Subtely
& as she ran her wimple She let Fall
Barb. Do way your Barbe, & Shew your Face bare Chaucer Fro: & Cross P 2 [1350] [Crosserd?] & at this time wore widows weeds for the Loss of her Father
1594 a womans Face with a Bongrace & a Quoif This was a Great wearing in the year 1594 & was by the Greater Sort of Gentry adornd with Jewels & Embroiderd with Silver & Gold Some term it a Frontlet Randle Holm B 2 p 464 No 123 a Ruff Quoif p 482 No 127
a Quoif with a Bon Grace Do. B 3 p. 12 No. 82