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No 23 Cloaks
1583 Q Elizabeth in her 23d year Repressed by Proclamation excep in [aparel?] Gold chains & Cloaks which men wore down to their heels
1372 [47?] Edwd 3d They first began to wanton in a new Round Curtall weade which they Called a Cloak in Latin Armilausa as only covering the shoulders Camdens Remains p 233
1154 Henry 2d was Calld Court mantle but a short mantle is a cloak Camdens Remains Hollingshead vol 2 p471
1372 this year they first began to wanton it in a new Round Curtal wead which they Called a Cloak in Latin armilausa because it only covereth the Shoulders Camdens Remains p 253
1582 they have Cloakes of Sundry Colors White Red Tawnie Green yellow Russet purple Violet &c of the Spanish French & Dutch Fashion Some Short Scarcely reaching the girdlestead Some to the Knee Some Trailing on the gorund they must be guarded Laced & Thoroughly Faced & Sometimes So lined that the inner Side Costest as much as the outer Some have Sleeves Some have hoods & Some are hanged with Points of Gold Silver & Silk The day has been when two clokes might have been bought for the Price of one new Stubbe anatomy of abuses
1633 The cloaks worn by the French at this period were Coats with army sleeves & Cuffs & buttons even cleft behind into skirts they were Fasten on the shoulders in Full dress as cloaks, possibly they were worn as Coats nnow are in undress for Perfect Coat they certainly are See Hosier Nuns & de chevaliers de St Espril Paris 1634 Title Print