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[Page 7]

liberty to touch at the Fegees, [Fiji] or some other of the Islands in the South Seas.

During the course of the Survey, you are to use the Tender under your command as much as possible; moving the Investigator onwards from one Harbour to another, as they shall be discovered, in order that the Naturalists may have time to range about, & collect the produce of the Earth, & the Painters allowed time to finish as many of their works as possible, on the spot where they have been begun. And when you shall have completed the whole of the Surveys & Examinations as above mentioned, you are to return with the Sloop you command & the​ Lady Nelson Tender with as little delay as possible to England for further Orders repairing to Spithead, and transmitting to our Secretary an account of your arrival.

[In left margin]
2. Is she to touch any where on her way home
​touching in your way if necessary at the Cape of Good Hope & then

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