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[trosor?] by a very copious discharge - not of perspiration - after the first brush and on our return to the camp it was not a little surprising amusing to see our friend Blucker at the head of a very numerous detachment of gins who appeared to have put themselves under his guidance and who if they had have possessed the courage of the amazons of old would have found us very effective and within dangerous [?] for us to have contended with - It was now observed that the ship had left them and now as we had reason to suppose them to have been driven to the scrub we abandoned the camp to follow them. They had however now [drew?] of themselves - we then returned to the night camp where we had left our pack horse which we found may have been [spirred?] we found all [?] - after taking breakfast we commenced our return home and camped at the [Cluid?] camp in the [mud?] having rain. Keeping good watch - at day

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