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barren Cliff, which, as you get almost abreast of, forms like two joind at the bottom rising to a sharp edge & ragged at the top, it makes like a large Tower or Castle; I calld it the Devil's Tower, it bearing from me E by N distance 10 or 12 miles, an Island in with the shore bearing NNW distance 10 miles which I namd Moncur's Island, & another bearing N by E 16 or 17 Miles. Land apparently an Island to the Southward & Eastward we can just see from the Masthead. It is here to be observd that these bearings were taken at noon, & it being stark calm, the Ship was nearly stationary. By a good observation the Latitude was 39° 30', Long. 147° 18' E of Greenwich; calculated from a lunar observation two days before, but I take the correct Longitude to be 147 E from my making the Ram head according to the best Charts, therefore the bearings are laid down in my Chart from 147 E.
We now having made the Cape, which I presume is that laid down in the Chart I have from Sir Jos. Banks seen by Mr. Flinders, # any further observation is unnecessary, as I find the land training along to the Northward exactly as it is describd by him. I am &c,
James Grant
# Mr. Biss [Bass] from whose authority Lt. Flinders has ascertaind the position of Wilson's promontory places it in 38° 56' S. Lt. Grant in 39° 17' &