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board;  at 3 made a considerable large Island, high & inaccessible on the sides.  We had an opportunity of seeing apparently a good Soil, with grass on it, but no Trees;  This Island bears about ESE from Cape Solicitor, by a good observation at noon following I made its Latitude to be 38° 29' S, Longitude by my account reckoning from Cape Northumberland which I suppose to be in 142° 30' E of Greenwich;  I made this Island lay in 144° 40' E, it bearing from me when the Observation was taken NNW distance 18 or 209 miles my Latitude observed being 38° 45 S.  This Island I namd Lady Julian's Island in honor of Lady Julian Percy.  Observd that we ran faster along the Land than our distance per Log would give us.  I presume there is a considerable drift to the Eastward.

7 Decr.

By the mean of four Azimuths & amplitudes the variation is 2° 50' E.  We had now fresh breezes & cloudy weather, I ran under a commanding sale during the night, the wind at SSW & SW.  At day light we saw the land making in a Cape ahead, hauled up to clear it;  this Cape is due ESE with a moderate offing from Cape Solicitor, distance per Log 70 Miles.  As it is the Eastern promontory of this deep & extensive Bay, I named it Cape Albany Otway, in honor of my much respected friend Wm A. Otway Esqr,

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