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8 Decr.
At ½ past 12 P.M. bore away from the land the wind being WSW at one having got sufficient offing, hove & got the Boats in, & made Sail to the Eastward. At 8 P.M. Cape Albany Otway bearing W 18 or 20 miles. We now made a very high & lofty Cape coverd with Trees down to the waters edge, as all the Country round it. From this Cape the land breaks short round off to the Northward, when you lose it, for no Land is to be seen excepting the Land which runs off to the Norward further than we can discern from the Mast head. I had now a fair wind & might have done a great deal this night, but I had my doubts whether this land, which fell off to the Northward, should not have been followd & kept on board. As from a small Chart which was given me by Sir Jos. Banks & which I have on board, I find from the Southernmost point of the Straits as far as they had then surveyd, the Land traind off to the Northward in the same form nearly as it did here from Cape Patton; [In margin - Qu. Danger] with this difference, that the Cape I allude to on the Chart had several Islands off from it, neither did the Latitude exactly correspond, & the Land which it gave running to the Northward was low & bushy. The Land here is high with large Forests of Trees