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soil, plenty of grass and full of wood. Towards evening saw many fires a little way inland, a great number of seals about & porpoises.  At 6 in the evening we had a moderate breeze from SSE Cape Bridgewater, bearing N to E four leagues, & Cape Nelson ENE distance six leagues;  got in the boats, tackd occasionally during the night, working to windward.  At 5 A.M. saw another Cape, which forms not unlike the Dedman in the Channel of England; it runs a considerable way into the sea, & makes its appearance, when to the Westward, like a very long barn, as it appears archd on the top, with a high bluff end towards the sea, not unlike the Gable of a House [margin: Grant in ye Chart] or Barn, this I called Cape Solicitor.

Off this cape are two small Islands, the largest makes like two distinct Islands, in two hummocks, joind by a neck of low land, which is not seen until pretty close, when a smaller Island is seen a little further within the first; These I called Lawrence Islands. ​


As they will be an excellent mark for making this part, I save much trouble to those who have not an opportunity to keep far enough to the Northward to make Cape Northumberland & as they are very remarkable they will know where they are as you draw abreast of these Islands; the largest being to the Southward, & which made in two Hummocks you will have its outer end



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