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who was then N.O. went to Govt. House with the Manifest of e/y. Cargo, after his return I met him by the Bridge when he shewed me the Manifest and pointed out a Minute which the Govr. had made in his own writing for the two Stills to be put into H.M. Stores till opportunity offered of sending them back to England some time afterward.  Mr. A. sent me to Mr. Blaxcells to desire that the Copper might be put into the Stores.  I was some time after sent by the Govr. to Mr. Blaxcells to order them to take the Stills and I desired the Store Keeper to receive them.

2. - Did you not go to Mr. Blaxcells, in consequence of Mr. Harris stating to the Govr. that the Coppers were not there?

A. - The Govr. desired me to go.

Mr. McArthur states that he had produced Evidence to prove to the Court that the two Coppers or Bodies of Stills were taken out of my House on the 22nd inst. without my consent.  Mr. Griffin the Governors Secretary has declared in Evidence that the Govr. told Mr. Robt. Campbell N.O. to take these bodies of Stills and Ship them on board the Duke of Portland by the acknowledgement of the Respectable young Gentleman Mr. Rt. Campbell Junr. he was told by his Uncle to execute 


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