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3​.​ - Does it come within your acknowledge that they were so delivered.

A. - I allways understood that they were till two months after when on the Governor asking me if they were put into the Stores I sent for Mr. Gowen the Storekeeper who told me had received the Heads and Worms but the bodies he had not got.  I think He informed me that Mr. Blaxcell had informed him that the bodies were full of Medicines. 

Q. by Bench - At the time the Governor wrote or gave you an order for the Stills to be put into the Stores did you understand that it meant the Stills compleat?

A. - I did.

4​. - Were these Stills imported regularly by a Bill of Lading or were they clandestinely Imported?

A​. - They were in the Bill of Lading, one Still for Mr. Mc.A. and the other for Capt. Abbott.

5​. - You are a medical Gentleman and accustomed to chemical operations, is the body of the Still when the Head and Worm are removed, fitter for the operation of distilling than any pot or Boiler in the Colony?

A​. - No.

Robert Campbell

Robert Campbell


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