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[Page 79]

I have missed a page so intend devoting it to my
impressions of Bethlehem
I visited Bethlehem on June 5th. The distance from Jerusalem is about 7miles. The first sight on the road is the old Greek Church where Elijah rested. Then we come to Rachaels Tomb where Jacob buried Rachael & proceeded on his journey to Hebron. At the entrance to the Town is the well of Bethlehem. Down below Bethlehem is the pasture of the Wilderness where David kept his sheep. On the slopes leading up to the town are the cornfields where Ruth gleaned.
From Bethlehem looking Eastward the view of the Dead Sea in the distance & the mountains of Moab is a fine one Solomons pools supply water to the Town which is conveyed by an Aqueduct. Bethlehem is built on

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