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Left Colombo at 8 a.m. There was a heavy swell on, and the ship rolled and pitched a good deal. I soon got very sea-sick.
Still sea-sick. Crossed the line late at night. A flying-fish flew right through one of the port-holes into a ward. He was only a small fish.
Been sea-sick ever since leaving Colombo. Felt a bit better to-day.
Passed the Cocos Islands last night. We were to be taken in close to have a look at the Emden but it was dark before we got to the islands.
Burial at sea of a patient who died last night, after an operation for removal of a shrapnel bullet from the brain. He belonged to the 13th Battalion. A guard, with fixed bayonets, was drawn up, and the bugle sounded the "Last Post" as the body was committed to the sea.