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War Diary
1916 24th Jan.
Squadron Drill - Close order. Riding school for officers inspected by Bgdr. Sword drill improving. Musketry course for reinforcements commenced.

25th Jan.
Squadron Drill. Horses of Composite Regt. rapidly improved – Musketry continued. General Birdwood inspected the camp at Heliopolis Racecourse and stated he was pleased with progress made.

26th Jan.
Sports Meeting held to commemorate ANA day. A successful day.
Genls. Birdwood, Spens Hughes, Irving and Bates present to mark Australia's Foundation Day – General Sir John Maxwell and Sir Henry McMahon attended officially.

27th Jan.
Squadron Drill: Extended Order with signals. All officers addressed by Bgdr. reference training.

28th Jan.
Squadron Drill. Extended Order. Musketry of reinforcements continued. Showing results of good preliminary training for three weeks.

[In right margin]
Promotion – Temp. Capt. W.SK. Hughes promoted Capt. 28 1.16
A.I.F. List 20

29th Jan.
Vehicles overhauled and packed as in F.S.P.B. saddlery and harness parades.

30th Jan.
Church Parade and March Past. Inspection held by Gen. Birdwood. Gens. Spens. Hughes, Irving present. G.O. Cmdg. Army Corps expressed appreciation of work and bearing of the Brigade – Rising of Egyptian Army Reserve in Cairo. One Regiment called out. Composite Regt. Col. Maygar V.C. 8th L.H. taking command.

[In right margin]
No action necessary

31st Jan.
Squadron Drill - close order - Musketry for reinforcements contd. 8th Regt. Completed 9th Regt. commenced. Lectures on rapid firing and fire effect. Brigade still short of Bridles.

1st, 2nd Feb.
Squadron Drill – close order – Musketry continued of reinfts. Squadron Drill extended order – Dismounted action – musketry reinforcements 9th L.H. completed, 10th L.H. Musketry commenced.

3rd Feb.
Squadron Drill extended order – Musketry. description of ground.

Current Status: 