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War Diary
1915 20th Sept.
J.M. Antill, C.B. in command, and Lt. Mackenzie acting Staff Captain: Lt. Toomey will be Bde. Supply and Ordnance Officer.

21st Sept.
Brigade Clerk Segt. Gilten to Hospital to-day (enteric) and Lt. Col. Antill is now the only member of the Staff including batmen, left: A good deal of sniping goes on as we are on a lower grade than Battleship and cannot protect our trenches – We are driving out 2 Saps to cover dead ground between our trenches and the Donga and have done an immense amount of work since the Bde. has been here.
Casualties from sick list four days have been:- 10-12-13-4 -39.

22nd Sept.
Genl. Chauvel inspected position and trenches, which are going well forward: Placed Garland Mortar in E2 trench No. 2 Post – Object of searching hiding places and posts of Turkish Patrols:

23rd Sept.
Spent morning in trenches directing improvement of Trenches, saps, etc: Four 18 pr. shells fell in trenches and 9th bivouac from our own guns to S – seriously wounding one man: Reported same, this is the third occasion during last week: Sniping still very troublesome from Battleship and Snipers Nest.

Current Status: 