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War Diary
1915 7th Nov.
4 direct hits – Took Capt. Vyvian round Trenches – He is senior officer of Local Navy and reports a mon-

[Sketch of sliding loop-holed plate]

itor now arrived capable of shelling the Straits at 22,500 yards. His cruiser guns shell Turkish positions on Chunuk Bair and Kaja Dere daily with good results – T.P.D. which went ashore a wreck at Suvla with broken back --
Weather still very good generally, but nothing doing – Hear K. of K. [Kitchener] had left War Office for good and for the front. – Gen. Monro in Egypt – Capt. Farr S.C. 1st Lt. Bde. Tempy. appd. B.M. vice Major Baker -

8th November
8th L.H. 1: 9th LH. 1: = 2 to Hosp.- C.R.A. Br. Gen. Johnstone visited Bde. area re co-operation by Artillery – "D" Sec. 69th How. Battery detailed for this Bde. -- Arranged to lay direct phone line to Battery from B.H.Q.: G.O.C. Divn. inspected Lines in area. Captain Farr (Tempy. B.M.) vice Major Baker reported all very quiet – one off our M.Gs. (9th) L.H.) knocked out by a sniper.

10th Nov.
All normal: 13 officers and 257 others comprising 1/3 of the Brigade earliest arrivals here, proceeded to Mudros for one months rest – Capt. Kidd 10th L.H. in command. Capt. Kidd furnished with written instructions for training (BM 444): on 9th inst.
8th L.H. 1, 9th L.H. 3. 10th L.H. 1 man – 5 to Hospl. To-day 8th L.H. 3, 9th L.H. 4, 10th L.H. 2 = 9 to Hospl.: N.Z.M.1 took over from 150 yds E of Antill's Lookout to

[In right margin] B.M. 444/447

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