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War Diary
1915 13th Oct.
by a 5" Howitzer to-day - several fell about, also large bombs from a long range - Very busy making cubicles and shelters nr fire trenches, but no cover to put on them – Letter saying Gen. Hughes very ill at No. 17 H – Alexandria – Appears to be enteric as he has been away a month and still has a temperature. Lt. Col. Abbott 10th L.H. also sick, as are most of us – C.O.R.E. inspected lines and was taken with pattern of cubicles.

14th Oct.
4.5 Howitzer assisted by our 3 M. Guns bombarded and blew out enemy's M. Gun of Battleship Hill: Lt. Col P.P. Abbott commanding 10th L.H., to Hospl. During bombardment enemy opened on us with artillery and M. Guns (1 man 9th L.H. wd.) but disclosed a M.G. which we will knock out to-morrow.
Complimentary – A.C. Commander places on record good services of 595 Sergt. Wilson (wounded); 620 Sergt. F.J. Linacre; 431 Corpl. J. Fryday of 9th L.H.; 129 Tr. C.B. Rickards, 10th L.H. The latter with Tr. Murray Prior reconnoitred enemy's positions night of the 12th and stayed out all day hidden collecting useful topographical information and bringing in two rifles.

15th Oct.
8 men to Hospl. sick – 10th L.H. 1k. – very heavy shelling at intervals all day on our area, trenches and B.H.Q. but men were well under cover.

16th Oct.
9th L.H. 1w: 10th L.H. 1w – both from shelling which has now become regular. 8 men to Hospl. sick; 6 returned from F.A.:

17th Oct.
5 to Hospl. – 2 returned from F.A.; Major McLaurin 8th L.H., Lt. E.H. Wilson, 8th L.H.; 9th L.H. Lt. A.J.G. Hutchison returned to duty – Informed by telegram from A.H.Q. Lt. Col. Maygar V.C. of 4th L.H. to command, (Temp.) (8th L.H.);

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