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Blank Cartridges he admird the precision with which they marchd &c & when they fird he Said in mandingo "if a man would be hoping he Should stay at home for when he goes abroad he will find people who excell him & make his heart ach" on this day they purchasd 12 asses and Six horses no interpreter would engage with them who state undertook to go with them to the Niger to Receive when the party drank the waters of that River the Price of 2 Slaves | |
26 | Tomorrow morning we Shall set off Mr Ansleys vessel is to Carry our goods to Woolli for which he is to have 100 Dollars. Mr anderson goes with her the Soldiers & myself travel by Land t The Troops are all in high health we have Lost one man by sickness but he was unwell when we Left Goree they are all in high Spirits & promise to be usefull men if I can find an opportunity. I will write from Woolli. I hope to find means of sending account from the interior nothing Shall be wanting on my Part to Compleat the Plan laid down to me before I left England if I Succeed I shall be the happiest man on Earth I will enjoy even in my Last moments the pleasing Reflection that I have done my utmost to execute an undertaking worthy of the best of Governments Kayee April 26 1805 signd M. P. |
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