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  this day one of the asses disappead & Nicoloa was gone into the Country, Complaint was made to the Governor but it was found that he could not assist P.
19 44 asses were embarked & Capt Gibson declard he could not Receive more
20 at 4 P M weighd for Goree, a Strong Breeze, 2 asses died during the night owing to their Slipping on the Decks
21 got Battens naild on the Deck to prevent the asses from Slipping, dragd the Sick ones from the Quarterdeck many of their Legs much cut with kicking each other
27 anchord off the N Point of Goree at 8, found that the Garrison had Sufferd much by Sickness & had only 195 Rank & file fit for duty 
P. offerd double pay during the Journey & a discharge at the end of it to induce the Soldiers to Volunteer  in two days the whole Garrison offerd themselves as did also Lieut John Martin
April  6 Embarkd the Soldiers & Two Sailors whom Capt Shortland of the Squirrell Permitted to join my the expedition.  Park expresses the utmost gratitude to major Lloyd & every one at Goree for their Zeal and alacrity in forwarding their view of Government.  Park attested, Everybody provided them with uniforms & promisd the Carpenters & Sailors the same rewards of double Pay as the Soldiers.  he deliverd one of the Dollar Chests to Major Lloyd & Carried the Remainder of the others to Gambia to enable him to Purchase more asses & horses also in the Evening Saild
7 at 8 A M found the Temperature of the Sea to be 61 of farenheit only this is probably the Cause of the great dews that fall along the Coast at 2 P.M. Enterd the Gambia
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