Item 04: Fred Harold Tomlins war diary, 19 December 1915-18 March 1916 - Page 44

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[Page 44]

Sat 22nd
The parade this morning was only to clean our saddlery: Were issued with more gift goods today; No parade at all this afternoon & I put the afternoon in writing;I feel a little sorry now that I did not apply for a commission in the camel corps but was afraid that I would have been made Quarter Master Sergt instead of getting a commission & I would sooner stay where I am & wait for a rise in a fighting unit than go on as Q.M.S. with transports D Troop of C.Sqd are on patrol duty on the ridges overlooking the camp tonight; One troop of the 1st Regt do patrol work one night & a troop from the 2nd Regt do the next.QMS Moylan, Frost & Sgt Browne went to Cairo on business a few days ago & stayed away 2 days overtime & arrived back last night, were up before the Col today, but let off

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