Antill war diary, 1915-1916 / John Macquarie Antill - Page 5

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War Diary
3rd A.L.H.B.
Russels Top
No. 4 Secn.
Narrative of Events

1915 27th August
Heavy bombardment of trenches Gen. Coxs No. 6 Secn. followed by attack of some trenches by N.Z. and other troops at 5 p.m. Heavy shrapnel fire from Turks at night continuous musketry fire. At 3 a.m. N.Z. occupied and prolonged their trenches 40 yds. also 2 commn. trenches to top of hill. Connaughts took trenches C to D but lost them at 8.30 p.m. and our 9th L.H. who marched out from No. 4 Secn. were sent out to regain them if possible. N.Z. captured an enemy's M.G.; otherwise the situation the same. 10th L.H. marched out at 7.30 p.m. to No. 6 Secn. The 20th Battn. 5th Inf. Bde. took over trenches from us and all day occupied in handing over orders, maps, sketches and advising and assisting Relieving Troops – Br. Gen. visited Anzac to confer about strengthening the Bde.

28th August
Message that L. Col. Brazier wounded on way out to new positions. Br. went to see him – The general position appears STALEMATE: a demonstration last night at N.E.R. [Nek?] disclosed Turk trenches strongly held. Br. posted recommendation re promotion of L. Col. Antill to N.Z. and A. Major McLaurin to Hospital 26/8 and Lt. Mack and 21 others 27/8.
The 8th L.H. to Aghyl Dere from No. 4 Secn. and B.H.Q. after handing over to 5th An. I. Bde. to Sazli Dere (Nth Arm) between Big Table Top and Rhododendron Spur which is to be its Area B.H.Q: None of the Bde. have had an hours rest after some 14 weeks in trenches and are in a bad way – All are split up and like other units wedged in anywhere and everywhere – Not a single bayonet to-day being with its H.Qrs. The 10th were sent in to finish a job from which the Connaughts cleared out.
The following recd. by the G.O.C. (Godley) "Congratulations on

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