Item 02: Letters from Christopher Kenneth Millar to Elizabeth Perdriau nee Millar, 24 October 1914-1916 - Page 120

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My dearest Sister
Just a note this time to thank you for a parcel I received today it was No 11 contained a fine pair of socks & darning wool, they couldn't have come along at a better time, we are in a wet portion of the line & I changed socks these last two nights, one has wet feet continually.
The time now dear is 10 past 3 in the morning & things are very quiet I am on duty in the trench & have a little time to finish this note.
It is very close to Anzac day now, I believe they are having some sort of celebration in London on the 25th & some of our troops will be there I dont think any of our Battalion will be there, although we should be represented.
Well my dearest sister I will close now with fondest love to self R & B.
from your loving brother

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